Best Travel Guide Award
It is impossible to put a figure on the sheer volume of guides which reside online. While this great quantity of dedicated sites makes information on any location easy to find, it does nothing to help travellers discern how accurate this material is. Somewhat obviously, reliability is a crucial factor when it comes to judging the quality of travel literature, as nobody is keen to spend considerable amounts of money flying across the globe only to find the attraction they wanted to see no longer exists, and it’s not uncommon to find out a resort was given an erroneously positive write-up in exchange for cash or web traffic
After conducting a considerable amount of research, we are proud to unveil our list of award winners in the online travel guide field. These sites continuously perform an outstanding job at demystifying their subject matter, whether by presenting unbiased reviews, collating information on a destination or otherwise helping a traveller in the formative planning stages of their trip.
While researching (and fiercely debating) who should end up on the final award winners’ list, our panel paid special attention to those which featured excellent design for ease of navigation. This is a common aspect shared by all of the sites you’ll find below, allowing users to efficiently sift through the huge amount of content on offer in order to find exactly what they are looking for.
Highly Recommended Travel Guide websites:
JourneyEtc -
Travel and Leisure - -
Nile Guide -
Isabelle's Travel Guide- - -
Conde Nast Traveller -
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