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Best Travel Stories Award

Ever since humans took voyages into the unknown, travel stories have inflamed the imagination and inspired us to great heights. Hearing of others’ trials and tribulations while on the road, both the positive experiences and the holidays from Hell, leave an impression on us like nothing else.

The following sites are all highly recommended when it comes to sating that age-old lust for great adventure. In formulating the awards list, we worked hard to remove all bias from our selection process since there are a number of sites which some members of the team actually read on a regular basis outside of work. This is hardly a surprise, since all of our award winners have a strong readership – this is mainly testament to the marvellous content they deliver on a very frequent basis.

While enjoying the literature enclosed, you’re more than likely to pick up some helpful advice and tips to apply to your own adventures. And if you do generate some stories of your own, as you inevitably will while travelling, do make sure you give back to the community by sharing your tales – if you haven’t got one already, the TravelBlogs.com site (run by the team at Travellerspoint Travel Community) provides online journals for you to run your own trip diary, and their free services come with high acclaim from other industry giants such as Lonely Planet.

Highly Recommended Travel Stories Websites:

World Hum - www.worldhum.com
Johnny Jet - www.johnnyjet.com/home.asp
Suzy Guese - suzyguese.com
Travelblogs.com - www.travelblogs.com
Have Pack, Will Travel - www.havepack.com
Wanderlust and Lipstick - wanderlustandlipstick.com

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