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Best Country Information Website Award

Presenting the Iglu Cruise award for country information sites, we’ve amassed a selection of top blogs and online resources which detail their subject matter in great depth. Covering varied locations such as Bermuda, Copenhagen and New York, these sites offer a wealth of information which are a boon to anyone looking to visit the country in question (or even for those that are carrying out research).

The criteria on which our panel judged the subsequent award winners were many, including overall presentation, ease of use, accuracy of information and originality of content. Every single site you’ll discover below scored highly in each area, and each is a treasure trove of tips and guides to keep every traveller happy.

Another positive aspect to a few of these blogs is the opportunity to get a handle on a country’s culture before you emerge from the plane. The Indie Travel podcasts in particular are already a revered authority on both the little-known travel gems as well as mainstream tourism locations peppered around the globe, presented in an easy to digest format. Other award winners, such as the Brooklyn Nomad, form a personal travelogue written with cutting insight and are worth reading regardless of whether you plan to travel to that particular destination or not, purely for entertainment value.

Highly Recommended Country Information websites:

Cruise Copenhagen - www.cruisecopenhagen.com
Indie Travel Podacast - indietravelpodcast.com/article/chiloe
Bermuda4U - www.bermuda4u.com
I am Koh Chang - iamkohchang.com
La Vie Est Belle - melialissa.blogspot.com
Mexico Vacation Travels - www.mexicovacationtravels.com
My Bella Vita - my-bellavita.com
The Brooklyn Nomad - www.brooklynnomads.com
The View From Fez - riadzany.blogspot.com

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