Best Personal Travel Blog Award
The team here at Iglu Cruise really can’t get enough of personal travel blogs. The medium has allowed those from all walks of life, not just those with a book deal, to share their experiences and insights of life wherever they find themselves.
Of course, since everyone and their dog seem to have a blog these days it is somewhat inevitable that not all of them are worth reading. Thankfully the ratio between good travel blogs and bad ones is an amicable one, but by the same token there are some which really go above and beyond the level of quality we’ve come to expect from free online content.
Scouring the length and breadth of the Internet for quality blogs has been a painstaking task for our judging panel, perhaps more so than any other award category given the volume of material to review. Regardless, the panel have applied the same stringent levels of quality control in order to compile our awards list for personal blogs in an effort to commend those running them and to bring them to the attention of a wider readership. Every site on the list is rightfully a winner and is ahead of the pack when it comes to travel blogging – we have no doubt that you’ll agree.
Highly Recommended Personal Travel Blogs:
Migrationology - migrationology.com
Letters from the real world - lettersfromtherealworld.com
Ms. Travleling Pants - www.mstravelingpants.travel
Kaleidoscopic Wandering - kaleidoscopicwandering.com
Tie Dye Travels.com - www.tiedyetravels.com
TwentySomething Travel - twenty-somethingtravel.com
Jay Travels - www.jaytravels.net
The Adventures of D - dtravelsround.com
Nomad4Ever - www.nomad4ever.com
Hole in the Donut Travels - holeinthedonut.com
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